
Check Check your packing

Have got everything important with you? Binoculars, sleeping-bag, towel, camera, passport and that little certificate of your vaccination (VERY IMPORTANT).....??
I'm, like the rest of you, very nervous. Especially now, when our plain is delayed.. and NOone of you will answer my phone calls.. Please pick up! When do we leave and what's the deal with Turkish airlines?

3 kommenttia:

Hanna said...

don't blame it on the airlines, and don't stress. The situation sucks, but oh well. Lets hope for the best! And be prepared both ways; we might go, but probably we wont until monday.

Team Kenya said...

Yeah, don't stress micky! I'm sure we'll get there somehow some day, that's all that matters. Sure I'm a little dissapointed too, but now I have more time to pack! Ps. I don't have any binoculars( kikare, right?), do you think I'll manage without?

Team Kenya said...

No I'm afraid you won't see any animals during our safari without binoculars.. haha, just kidding! :D sure you'll be fine! My eyes are a bit funny sometimes so that's why I use them ;)