
Day 4 -Good morning!

Since blogging at the internet café(where we ALL(yes, everyone's arrived)are sitting right now, soaked by the rain on our way here.....) is very  slow (not expensive at ALL though, like 60 cents/hour) we decided to blog from the computer we have  with us, so now we're gonna insert the text we wrote yesterday night.
This was written at 18.00 yesterday:
So, at the moment I'm sitting on the couch in our dining room, looking out at the beautiful yard nand the breathtaking mountain view through the window.  Pauline, the cute 11 year old girl living here, and the house dog Soffin, are not far away, based on the noise. I'll have to show you pictures, they're so cute! (both Pauline and the dog).
The rest are in their rooms, waiting for the dinner to get ready. We just got back from Canon Kituri Secondery school, where we met the students ... exciting! But Ica will tell you more about this in the next post!
Soonsoonsoon the other girls will arrive and we can't wait to see them(!!!!).
Now we're moving down to the boys room.... okay, it doesn't matter, since you're not getting this streamed live. But I just wanted to let you know we're moving downstairs to the basement full of (boys and) bugs! Geckos, ants, mosquitos.... you name it.
We figured we probably haven't told you very much about Taita Hills, where we live right now. So posts about that coming up in a second!


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