
The days/weeks to come

You, yes you, the one reading this and visiting this blog.
According to our statcounter, there have been approximetly 5000 first time visitors on this blog per day.
 That's not bad. That's not bad at all.
But since we're leaving Kenya in just a couple of hours, if we don't manage to get lost asap, you might be wondering what's gonna happen with this blog.

First off: we're not done here. You might think you know what went on in Kenya during these past 9 days.... but ou don't. We still have a LOT of unpublished material (the roads, the weather, the culture, the language..... you name it -I've probably already written it, but not posted it. If you are interested some sort of Q&A about kenya/our trip might also be in order?) Also thoughts about the journey will come up, perhaps a lot of more details, a couple of overlooks.... AND, we're planning on writing articles about our trip to both Kaunis Grani and HBL, making a video out of everything we've filmed, some sort of movin exhibition, couple of power point presentations, reports of the SWOT project and such.... so as you can see, we're not done with Kenya yet.
Apart from this, we are all now also bubbling with ideas of how to help the different schools we visited, developing the garbage system and.... well, lots of things!We'll see  how much will actually happen in the end, but with your help we hope to at least be able to raise money/stuff for the schools. We have plans... will come up here later! All I can say is.... it's exciting!! But so far it's all in the head department...

And last, one thing we keep promising you, but never happens... PICTURES AND VIDEOS. We've all had cameras with us, and practically all our camera's are full... I'm sure you can do the math, and come up to a sum of pictures closer to 20000... so finally finally, when we get to the slightly faster internet connection in Finland, these pictures and videos will for real start coming up!, my point is, don't go anywhere yet, there is still much to see, and at least during the week to come, daily posts should be expected. (if by no one else, then me ;) )
So, wish us luck with our flights home (you know we've had some missfortune before,krhrm) and stay tuned for the next blog post about Kenya... might already be on Saturday!


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