
Day 3

Jambo from Taita Hills!
Ica, Mikaela, the rest of the finnish students, and I are sitting in a little internte cafe in the little town close to the place we live, Hebron  guest house. We\ve been trying to upoad pictures and videos, but it wont work. We'll have to try again tomorrow, so come back! ;)

Nora, Maria, Crista, Emilia and Sofia are on their way here from Nairobi, so they're probably sweating in their jeeps, as we did yesterday. We hope they'll arrive soon, because today we're going to meet the local high school students, and we're very excited! So far we've been brainstorming about questions to ask them, and walked around in this cute little town. Apart from two americans, we're so far the only "mzungus" here, which is, at least for the kids here, quite exciting. We walk around shouting "Jambo, Jambo!" to everyone we see.

The weather is very humid, and it's been foggy, and even rained a little. But as soon as the sun comes out it get's hot, hot, hot!

We don't have that much time right now, although there would be loads to tell! But if there's something special you're wondering about -ask! We do have time to read comments :)

And, we see we've had quite a lot of readers, which is very exciting! We'll try to update as often as possible, and get up videos and pictures asap!

For now, enjoy this amazing video that Reima, from the finnish group made about our first day!

if you can't see it (very possible...) then here'te the link:Day 1 - video

No we have to run to the market place to meet up with our teachers.
.//Hanna, Ica and Mikaela

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