

We have planned to do our project about the Finnish culture with Emilia on the plane, but when I was walking the dog this morning I had some time to think and it struck me too how little we know about the people we are going to meet. And little meaning almost nothing, we bearly know their age. And as Crista (read her last contribution) I too can't decide what to write about in our projekt. We were told not to point out our welfare, but that won't be easy. We just celebrated christmas, so that was the first thing I thought of writing about. But how can I describe how we spend christmas, when nowadays christmas mostly means lots of gifts, extravagant decorations and loads of food?

Finland is one of the countries with highest welfare in the world. What will Kenyans think when they realize that we have everything served for us on a silverplate, and we still aren't satisfied? Our problems, the Finns and the Kenyans, are on slightly different levels. The poor in Kenya struggle to get clean water, food on their tables and their children to school. And I'm unhappy because I can't decide which universtiy to go to...

Hope I'll learn to apprichiate my life more, should me thankful.

So when walking in the morningsun with my dog in the snowy forest, stomach full and with a clean, fresh set of clothes and no fear that anything could hurt me, I felt truly greatful. Thank you, whoever you are, for giving me my cheesesandwich, my northface jacket and my leather boots, for keeping me and my family healthy and for giving me sunshine this morning.

//Nora, feeling rather guilty.

2 kommenttia:

Matilda said...

I feel the same, it's always good to pause for a second, and think about how unfairly lucky we are. But I don't think we should feel guilty, as long as we are thankful for what we have, and are willing to share.

ugh. why do I keep sounding so disgustingly American-happy??
Maybe they got it right. Who knows. But as an unhappy stubborn finn(sounding more and more like a happy american), I'm still not going to admit that.

Team Kenya said...

You're quite right my friend.. What are we supposed to tell them? Well, I think we should really consider about telling them the great differences about the weather, nature, animals etc.. But we surely must say something about ur culture.. hmm, it's difficult..