
Texts from Amsterdam

"We just arrived.... but the flight to Kenya leaves in 15 minutes! And we can't come out of this plane yet!"

"Oh. God. We. Don't. Make. It."

"WE MADE IT!!! Very barely. Thank you everyone at the airport!! Everyone is aboard, and I really really need to pee. Ugh. Huge plane. Sitting alone, can't see the others. Gonna be a long 11-hour-flight. And I still need to pee. Next stop: NAIROBI"

// Hanna

So, these were some very exciting minutes for us here in Finland too.. how great wouldn't it have been if they actually missed the plane?? fortunately they didn't - and we won't either. Besides, we have a plan B. If it looks like we're going to miss our connection flight in Amsterdam because the plane is hanging around somewhere on the airport and we can't get out.. some of us will yell:

"I'M GIVING BIRTH!! NOW!! LET US OUT!!!!!" (this with a bunch of screams from the other girls)

I think we will make it, no, actually i know.

// Maria

2 kommenttia:

Nora said...

It sure was nervwrecking! Any news from Nairobi??

Maria said...

oh yea... will be on in a minute! ;)