
Day 4

This was wrote Saturday at 22.00, after dinner and an exciting day!

Today was the most giving experience so far. At nine, after spending some time blogging at the local net-cafe', we jumped in the jeeps and headed for Cannon Kituri School. I met the students for the first time, since I was one of those who arrived to Taita yesterday. We walked around looking at everything intresting and talked with the students. Some were locals and seemd to know everything about everything, atleast about the agriculture. We got to take a close look at how bananas, coffee, beans, broccoli, tomatoes and of course corn is grown. The most intresting thing was though, to talk to the local farmers, some only spoke Taita so the teatchers from Cannon Kituri translated.

Everything was so green, and the steep hills, with terasses to keep the soil in place were amazing to look at. Local kids, who saw as walking by, followed us on our trip, and their little beautiful faces lit up with joy when they got to pose for our cameras. Although everything was so intresting, it was still a long walk and really hot for us cool Finns, so we got pretty tired. My friend from Cannon Kituri laughed at my red and exhausted face, he said he was cold although he was wearing a shirt, a wool-west, a woolshirt and a scarf...

I spent the rest of the day at Hebron, but some of the girls went to the local market and bought some mangos and passion-fruits (they were actually avocados, but we found that out later, so it was a waste of money (very little money though, 5 shilling/"mango", because avocados grow in Hebrons backyard).

I have to go to sleep now, all the new experiances are really making my head feel heavy, my nose with new smells and my ears with new sounds. Have to give them a rest.
// Nora

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